Bitcoin’s Sell-Side Liquidity Crisis: Unprecedented Demand and Shrinking Supply

Sell side liquidity crisis in bitcoin
image from forbes

The crypto market analysis reveals that Bitcoin has seen an extraordinary surge in demand, reaching levels never seen before. As cryptocurrencies gain more traction, Bitcoin’s demand has soared, leading to a bitcoin’s sell-side liquidity crisis with the available Bitcoin supply dwindling to its lowest in recent memory. We’ll delve into the factors driving this liquidity crisis and discuss how it could influence Bitcoin’s valuation. With bitcoin halving imminent in next two week, we can see a surge in pricing which can break all previous ATH in the bitcoin price.

Unprecedented Demand Levels

Recently, the demand for Bitcoin has escalated sharply, with net flows indicating a rise from 40,000 BTC to an impressive 213,000 BTC in just a few months, as per CryptoQuant’s data. This demand spike is linked to factors such as the launch of Bitcoin ETFs in the US and substantial investments from major Bitcoin holders, or ‘whales’.

The growth in the total balance of whale addresses, those holding over 10 BTC and active for the past seven years, has hit a record high. These whales are now in possession of around 1.57 million BTC, marking a steep climb from the 874,000 BTC at the outset of 2024.

Shrinking Sell-Side Liquidity

As Bitcoin’s demand soars, the supply from us entities and other sell-side liquidity providers, including exchanges, OTC desks, miners, and the U.S. government, has been on a decline. From a peak of 3.5 million BTC in March 2020, the available Bitcoin has reduced to about 2.7 million BTC, sparking concerns over an impending liquidity crisis.

A key factor in the tightening of sell-side liquidity is the role of Grayscale’s GBTC Bitcoin holdings, a product of the Digital Currency Group. The GBTC, as an ETF, has bolstered the Bitcoin supply for sale through substantial investor redemptions. Without it, the sell-side liquidity would have plummeted to levels unseen since February 2018.

Impending Bitcoin’s Sell-Side Liquidity Crisis

The convergence of heightened demand and diminishing sell-side liquidity is brewing a perfect storm for a sell-side liquidity crisis. CryptoQuant’s analysis suggests that the existing sell-side liquidity reserves may only suffice to meet the current Bitcoin demand for another year. A price shock could occur if demand spikes unexpectedly or if there’s a significant withdrawal of Bitcoin from sell-side entities, potentially triggering a liquidity crisis ahead of schedule.

If BTC were to be removed from centralized exchanges outside the U.S., it would intensify the sell-side liquidity crisis. U.S. spot ETFs would then be constrained to sourcing BTC solely from domestic entities, slashing the Bitcoin liquid inventory to a mere six months and heavily impacting the market’s capacity to satisfy the escalating demand for the digital currency.

Potential Impact on Bitcoin Price

Sell Side Liquidity Crisis In Bitcoin
image from guardian

The sell-side liquidity crisis has the potential to significantly influence the price target of Bitcoin. As the demand escalates and the supply stays finite, the market imbalance might trigger short-term price surges. This imbalance between demand and supply could forge a scenario where buyers are prepared to pay a premium to acquire Bitcoin, consequently elevating the price target.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that the long-term influence on Bitcoin’s price remains a question mark. While a sell-side liquidity crisis might catalyze short-term price hikes, the market’s capacity to satisfy demand will be the deciding factor for the enduring trajectory of Bitcoin’s price.


The unparalleled demand for Bitcoin has precipitated a sell-side liquidity crisis, with the accessible supply of Bitcoin dwindling to its scarcest in years. The demand surge is linked to developments such as the launch of Bitcoin ETFs and augmented investments from whales. As the sell-side liquidity wanes further, the market may confront an impending liquidity crisis. This crisis could affect Bitcoin’s price, leading to temporary price spikes. Nevertheless, the persistent effect on Bitcoin’s price is still up for debate, with the market’s aptitude to fulfill the burgeoning demand being the key to Bitcoin’s price destiny.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is offered solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as investment advice. Before making any investment decisions in the unpredictable cryptocurrency market, conducting thorough research and consulting with professionals is essential. The opinions expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the company.


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