Cryptocurrency Wallet Tracking App CoinStats Discloses Massive $2.2 Million Security Breach

CoinStats security breach

In a significant development within the cryptocurrency ecosystem, the leading portfolio tracking app CoinStats has disclosed details of a major security breach that resulted in the theft of approximately $2.2 million worth of digital assets. This CoinStats incident, which was first reported by on June 22, 2024, has sent shockwaves through the industry, highlighting the ongoing challenges of maintaining robust security measures in the rapidly evolving world of digital finance.

CoinStats Discovers Sophisticated Cyber Attack

According to the CoinStats report published by CoinStats on July 12, 2024, the company’s investigation revealed that the attackers were affiliated with a highly sophisticated, state-sponsored group like the Lazarus Group. These malicious actors were able to gain unauthorized access to the private keys of 1,590 CoinStats wallets, enabling them to execute unauthorized transfers of the stored cryptocurrency funds. The CoinStats affected wallets did not include any externally connected wallets.

Exploiting Security Vulnerabilities Across Multiple Services

CoinStats CEO Narek Gevorgyan explained that the OpSec security breach was facilitated by the exploitation of security flaws across various third-party service providers utilized by the CoinStats portfolio tracker platform. This allowed the sophisticated attacker to bypass the company’s security protocols and infiltrate the sensitive financial data of its CoinStats app users.

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Immediate Response and Collaboration with Authorities

Upon discovery of the CoinStats hack, CoinStats took immediate action as part of their security incident response to secure the remaining assets and temporarily shut down its platform to conduct a thorough investigation. The company collaborated closely with law enforcement involvement including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and enlisted the expertise of renowned security researchers, including ZachXBT and Tay from MetaMask, to aid in the recovery efforts.

Comprehensive Investigation and Transparency

In the aftermath of the CoinStats incident, CoinStats has remained committed to maintaining transparency and providing regular updates to its users. The company has worked diligently with security experts and law enforcement agencies to fully understand the scope and implications of the wallet compromise and infrastructure intrusion.

No Evidence of User Data Compromise

While the cryptocurrency theft resulted in significant financial losses of $2.2 million stolen, Gevorgyan reassured CoinStats portfolio manager users that there was no evidence of any user data being compromised beyond the stolen cryptocurrency funds, maintaining user data protection. This provided some relief to CoinStats’ customers, who were understandably concerned about the potential exposure of their personal and financial information.

Resumption of Operations and Enhanced Security Protocols

Following the completion of the investigation and the implementation of strengthened platform security measures, CoinStats resumed full platform operations on July 3 after a production environment rebuild. The company has introduced a more stringent password policy, requiring all users to perform a mandatory password update to comply with new security standards.

Strengthening User Security with Two-Factor Authentication

In addition to the password update requirement, CoinStats has also emphasized the importance of enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) and using 2FA keys for all CoinStats safe accounts. This added layer of security is designed to provide an extra level of protection against unauthorized access like phishing attacks, further safeguarding the CoinStats portfolio tracker’s users.

Ongoing Monitoring and Commitment to User Support

CoinStats has pledged to maintain vigilant monitoring for any signs of continued malicious activity and has committed to providing regular CoinStats news updates on the progress of its security enhancements. The company has also expressed its dedication to providing affected users support, offering a submission deadline of August 15 for individuals to report their losses and seek potential assistance.


The CoinStats security breach has undoubtedly shaken the confidence of many within the cryptocurrency community. However, the company’s transparency, swift response, and commitment to strengthening its security protocols like enabling iOS and Android notifications for scam notification serve as a testament to its dedication to regaining the trust of its CoinStats tracker users. As the crypto ecosystem security continues to evolve, the lessons learned from this incident will undoubtedly shape the future of cryptocurrency security, ultimately contributing to a more robust and secure digital asset ecosystem.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks, and readers should conduct their own research and consult with financial advisors before making investment decisions. Hash Herald is not responsible for any profits or losses in the process.


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